Travel Agency in Uzbekistan

At Termiziy Travel

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Member since Окт 05, 2022


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Классический Узбекистан












Travel Agency in Uzbekistan


Good 'ole Exodus! An interesting blend of Vietnam from north to south including an o/n sleeper train. The success and enjoyment of these trips is usually down to the blend of fellow travellers and team leader and this one was no different. The weather,early season, was mixed with a little more rain and cloud than hoped for but did not detract from the enjoyment but a little more sunshine would have enhanced the countryside. A read of the brochure and trip notes will give a very accurate picture of the breadth and variety of the trip. The daily riding distances are mainly governed by the fitness of the participants and their ability to cover the miles in a reasonable time and for the first time in my experience of 7 trips we were delayed by some participants who frankly were not cycling fit and I wonder if they had read and understood the pre - trip advice!
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Travel Agency in Uzbekistan

Abdullayev iamatullo


Good 'ole Exodus!

An interesting blend of Vietnam from north to south including an o/n sleeper train. The success and enjoyment of these trips is usually down to the blend of fellow travellers and team leader and this one was no different. The weather,early season, was mixed with a little more rain and cloud than hoped for but did not detract from the enjoyment but a little more sunshine would have enhanced the countryside. A read of the brochure and trip notes will give a very accurate picture of the breadth and variety of the trip. The daily riding distances are mainly governed by the fitness of the participants and their ability to cover the miles in a reasonable time and for the first time in my experience of 7 trips we were delayed by some participants who frankly were not cycling fit and I wonder if they had read and understood the pre - trip advice!
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Travel Agency in Uzbekistan

Abdullayev iamatullo


Good 'ole Exodus!

An interesting blend of Vietnam from north to south including an o/n sleeper train. The success and enjoyment of these trips is usually down to the blend of fellow travellers and team leader and this one was no different. The weather,early season, was mixed with a little more rain and cloud than hoped for but did not detract from the enjoyment but a little more sunshine would have enhanced the countryside. A read of the brochure and trip notes will give a very accurate picture of the breadth and variety of the trip. The daily riding distances are mainly governed by the fitness of the participants and their ability to cover the miles in a reasonable time and for the first time in my experience of 7 trips we were delayed by some participants who frankly were not cycling fit and I wonder if they had read and understood the pre - trip advice!
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Travel Agency in Uzbekistan


An excellent ride amongst stunning scenery, beautiful food and very friendly and welcoming people
Travel Agency in Uzbekistan

Abdullayev iamatullo

Amazing country, beautifully seen from the seat of a bicycle. So many unusual sights - friendly people (attractive, relaxed, smiling, shouting hello); fields of rice, coffee, rubber, eucalyptus, dragon fruit, etc., farmers herding brown cows and water buffalo; basic living conditions, cooking, eating and washing-up in the open, spilling out onto pavement; scooters everywhere and crazy driving but it seems to work, no road rage; great respect for older people and ancestors (colourful cemeteries and every house has small ancestral shrine). Came back with a real feel for the country, wanting to learn more.
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